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Do I need Mock Trial Experience To Try Out?

No, not at all. We accept many new members to our program who have never done mock trial before.

Should I still do mock trial if I don't want to be a lawyer?

Absolutely! Though many of our members aspire to attend law school, we also have many engineers, computer scientists, and pre-med majors in our program. In any profession, it is important to be able to communicate effectively, and that is the main skill required to succeed in mock trial.

What should I wear to tryouts?

​Dress to impress! If you are trying out as an attorney, dress professionally as if you are going to court. If portraying a witness, feel free to be creative and have fun with your outfit; if wearing a costume or using props will help you portray your character in a more engaging way, then go for it!

How many people do you accept into the program?

UCLA has one of the most successful mock trial programs in the country, and hence our tryout process is very competitive. The amount of people we accept into the program varies from year to year, depending on how many people graduate. Generally, our program has about 50 people in total, divided into 5 teams.

Does it cost money to join the program?

​No, not at all! We are fortunate enough to be able to completely fund our program. There is no fee or membership due required to do mock trial, and all of our travel is paid for out of our budget, not out of your pocket.

What is mock trial?

Mock trial is a courtroom simulation competition. Teams from colleges all over the country get a fictitious fact pattern in the fall and spend the year preparing to present cases against other teams at tournaments. Each team can choose three attorneys and three witnesses per side of the case – prosecution and defense – and must be ready to present both sides at every tournament. The teams are judged by practicing attorneys and sitting judges based on the quality of their arguments and their presentation skills.

Is mock trial a big time commitment?

Yes, and no. We split all of our members into 5 separate teams based on skill level. The high-level teams are quite competitive because their goal is to compete at the national championship tournament in the spring. However, our lower-level teams are less of a time commitment and are more focused on learning mock trial.


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